Friday, September 20, 2024

Glenn Howerton Serves Scraps of Season 17 Information

 Friday the 20th of September, 2024, Glenn Howerton is in New York shooting his new Netflix series, Sirens, and with a little free time at night he hit the bars in the village—so of course I am on the scene. I got to talk to him for a solid five minutes about Sunny, which was really awesome. The main conversation point being, obviously, Season 17:

    Without the Podcast this year, we’re pretty much in the dark on what’s happening in the writers room, and with Glenn very much back and forth between the coasts of the United States, the immediate question on everyone’s minds, and the one I made sure to promptly address, was if Glenn was in the writer’s room this year. 

    In short: yes, Glenn is writing this season. He’s been involved with breaking stories with the guys but not as active in the writers room due to shooting Sirens. Rob and Charlie are really taking the brunt of the writing this season. Glenn told us we probably won’t see him on a script this season with Charlie Day, but we “definitely” will next season. So, if you were waiting for that hard confirmation that Season 18 is going forward, wait no longer. It’s happening, for sure. 

    As for production information, they "start shooting in about three weeks,” which I think is best estimated as the second week of October (Soon! That’s very soon!), and they’ve already begun writing scripts. Glenn confirmed Meg is not involved with this season (neither writing nor directing), on her own accord, but stated he’d imagine she’ll probably come back at some point, though he doesn’t know for sure (basically, it’s Meg’s choice). The Chernin brothers are back, as we know, and Glenn nodded to the idea that we’re looking for some good Dee storylines out of the two of them. On the same train of thought as potential directors, Glenn had a very interesting response to being asked if Randall Einhorn might direct this season. “He’s doing Abbott..and I’m not..on Abbott..not necessarily.” So, if you’re still doubting the Abbott Elementary crossover is with Sunny, well, maybe hedge your bets on that one. 

    As for the possibility of teasing any Season 17 storylines? Well, Glenn said he can’t tip his hat, because we don’t want to know (i.e. be spoiled). But, while Glenn’s lips are sealed on plots, he did let us know that it’s been a great writers room this year, “an all-star room,” in fact, and breaking the stories has been a lot of fun. Again, no spoilers, but they’re taking “some big swings this year.”

    Seeing Glenn was great, and this little conversation on 17 has given me a lot of confidence as to what we’re going to get this season. Things seem promising, Season 18 is a go, and the Abbott crossover is definitely in the cards. 

    Until next time (perhaps tomorrow), 



  1. very thorough, feels like i was there

  2. doing god's work fr!!! Lovely update

  3. Did he mention Rob Rosell and Scott Marder?


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