
 Over the years quite a few scripts have managed to come into the hands of fans, but they're a little scattered all over the place. In an effort to make scripts easily accessible to any fan who wishes to peruse them, we've compiled an easy hotlink list here!

10 Fan-requested Scripts, via DropBox, courtesy of RCG in the midst of the COVID-19 Pandemic

Season 16 Released Scripts, via DropBox, courtesy of Rob McElhenney, upon request.

5 TV Writing Scripts, via WebArchive, courtesy of TVWriting, circa 2009

50+ Fan-collected and scanned scripts, via Google Drive, courtesy of EndangeredTang on Tumblr

7 Fan-collected and scanned scripts via Mega, courtesy of Dennisboobs on Tumblr

Heed Rob's warning: A lot of these scripts are written by the actors themselves or people they work very close with on set, so they aren't necessarily the best references to use if you're looking for examples of good comedy writing. What they are great for is for fans who would love a "deeper cut" of the aired episodes. (i.e. reading scenes that were cut for time, finding out names, place, dates, years, etc. that didn't make an appearance in spoken dialogue, picking out lines potentially vetoed by RCG or spotting the lines that were improvised.)

Have a script you don't see linked anywhere here? Please let us know so we can add it to the list!

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