Thursday, March 21, 2024


What the hell is all this? Well, while it's somewhat of an obvious recreation of the original Paddy’s Pub Blog (once owned and operated by FX in order to promote the show, now discontinued), this blog is going to be fan-owned and run, and is intended to be a place for canon-rooted fan-based content, discussion, and analysis, while also doubling as a convenient location for people to find source content from the show.  

Since this show has been around for almost two decades now, it’s easy for a lot of stuff to get swept by the wayside, deleted, or just eventually become unheard of. Similarly, I get a lot of questions about things that should be common knowledge/easy to find (i.e. “Where do you get scripts?” “How can I watch old promos/DVD extras?”). While I don’t mind answering these questions, I think it would be nice for there to be a place where people can find the answers themselves instead of trying to seek out information from a fan who seems ‘knowledgable.’ So this site from the get-go has sidebar links (you might have to be on Desktop, sorry) with a lot of sources you can defer to, and will continue to add sources and links to older (and newer) footage, scripts, content, etc. as it becomes available and serviceable. 

Similarly, this place will serve as an easy source for updates on new seasons of Sunny (see Season 17 Updates tab). For now, we don’t have much information, but we don’t have nothing! So that’s exciting. That page will hopefully become more active in the next coming months, and surely will be active as we move into the end of the year. The blog will eventually double for S17 updates, speculation, etc. and, eventually, S17 recaps and analysis…woah.. what a time that will be. 

And with that being said, I should mention that the foremost reason for me starting this thing is because I want a place where I can easily post and refer to my analysis, meta, and writing about the canon of this show. While Fandom spaces are all good fun, again, it’s easy for posts and writing to get lost in a sea of years and years of shitposting and fan-spam (NTM Tumblr’s search system has gone to shit, and Twitter devolves every day now, the time horizon on both my social media sites shortens every month). 

I think there’s also something to be said for the serious-ness or validity of some of the things I (and many others) write about for this show. Yes, it is a comedy, but there are an incredible number of heavy, dark, and deep themes that run through the veins of almost every episode, and the space to post about those things sometimes (most of the time) isn’t the same place where everyone’s spamming jokes and ship content. 

Have I ever let wrong time, wrong place stop me? No. Will I? Probably not. But I would love for there to be a space where I can have these things aside, where people can be directed to writing and analysis about Sunny without waving through a social media sign up page, and where they can come back months or years later to easily find ‘that thing they read about that one episode,’ instead of being directed to a deleted blog or suspended Twitter account. 

There’s also fun stuff around the blog! You can check out the. “Random Episode” tab (wonder what that could be about), and the “Fun Stuff” tab, which contains my episode sorter and some scripts, and I’ll eventually update with additional things. I’ll also be fixing up the “Episode Guide” tab with, surprisingly, episode guides that people can refer to if they want a watch list, or just need references for types of episodes, episodes that feature certain characters or people, or certain team-ups/relationships.

If you’ve read all this, that’s cool of you, and might mean you have something to say. If you think you wanna contribute and join my little blog team, let me know, I'd love to put a little Gang together. DM me wherever you know me or head over to the Information and Contact page also on this blog and use that. The goal here is to have a full site with as much information and canon posting as possible, so the more people who are interested in helping out, the better!

Catch you very soon, when I start dumping heavy meta right in this very space. 

Peace and Love - Seth

</3 Rip angel. We will honour you.

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