Monday, July 29, 2024

It's Always Abbott Elementary?

Last week I went to San Diego Comic Con, and as a fan of the TV show Abbott Elementary, another sitcom set in Philadelphia, I attended their Saturday panel to hear a surprising announcement: Season 4 will include a crossover episode with another show:

Quinta Brunson did not specify which TV show they would crossover with in this announcement, but she did state that it will "change television as we know it," and so comes the endless speculation of what this crossover could be... 

I’m here to shut all that BS down, because clearly there's a reason I'm writing about this other show on the Paddy's Pub Blog—I am 99.9% certain the Abbott Elementary crossover will be with It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia. It’s not 9-1-1 or Grey's Anatomy, or The Bear or some ABC sitcom that went off their air years ago—it’s Sunny

Let’s look at the facts:


You may or may not remember back in February when a “Willy Wonka experience” went viral for being a complete scam and upsetting a ton of kids. A lot of the internet commented on how it seemed like a scam the Gang would pull, something straight out of an episode of Sunny... and that sentiment ended up reaching Rob McElhenney, who had this to say:

A tweet from Rob McElhenney quoting a report on the "Willy Wonka immersive experience" stating: "A lot of you are saying this feels like an episode of Sunny, but to me it feels more line an @alwayssunny @abbottelemABC crossover episode"

Quinta Brunson, Creator/EP/Writer/and Co-star of Abbott Elementary, ended up seeing that Tweet and posted it to her Instagram story:

Quinta Brunson posting a screenshot of Rob's tweet (above), with the text "Just say the word @robmcelhenney (salute emoji). I love you guys."

Which Rob then ended up sharing to his Instagram story:

Rob sharing Quinta's Instagram story with the text "the feeling is mutual @quintab !" and an emoji of two eyes.

While this could have been inconsequential fun, it seems like a hell-of-a coincidence to get a crossover announcement for Abbott a few months later... 


Sunny and Abbott are both created by, executive produced by, written by, and co-starred in by Rob and Quinta, respectively, so they have the flexibility and control to make an executive decision like this. 

Both shows are under “Disney properties” (Sunny, FX and Abbott, ABC), and thus wouldn't face IP infringement or licensing issues. 

Randall Einhorn was a director on Sunny and is a current director on Abbott, thus has the knowledge of how both shows operate and is able to bridge the gap between their differences. 


Both shows are sitcoms that take place in Philadelphia and base a lot of their plots in the city/its culture. 

The creators of both shows have stated they think of their shows operating with a sort of "semi-cartoon" logic.

Supporting Evidence: 

While you'll just have to take my word here, I did speak briefly with both Randall Einhorn and Quinta Brunson after the panel and told them "I know" the crossover is with Sunny. I didn't get a hard confirmation from either of them, but they did both acknowledge my claim with a knowing take that for what you will.

Bryan Swarberg, RCG's creative executive and VP of Rob's company, More Better, replied to a speculative tweet:

A shushing emoji in reply to a fan speculating Sunny will be the show crossed over with Abbott Elementary

(I intend to update this post as any more supporting evidence comes to)

An infinite number of questions now arise...

If Abbott is having a crossover with Sunny, does that mean Sunny will have a crossover with Abbott? (Probably.) Will the episodes air together? (Abbot airs on Wednesdays at 9:30pm and Sunny airs Wednesdays at 10:00pm, so the stars are pretty well aligned...) Will they actually spoof the Willy Wonka Experience fiasco or was that simply just what brought the crossover into fruition? Will the Gang be any different when seen through "documentary" cameras? Will the Abbott characters act differently when not "on camera"? 

What are your thoughts about a crossover between Sunny and a sitcom set at an elementary school? Any predictions for The Gang? 

Anyone have any more support or evidence? Let me know!

- Seth

+ Paddy's Pub at the SDCC FX Offsite:

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Let's Talk about the Bathroom Situation...

No, not The Bathroom Problem (that was solved in Season 13), and not Charlie’s bathroom reveal (and subsequent re-hiding) in Season 16, either; I’m talking about the bathroom debate that’s existed amongst Sunny fans for over a decade now: Mac and Dennis’ bathroom situation. 

For a show that loves to joke about piss and shit all the time, there’s a surprising lack of bathroom appearances in one of Sunny’s more-featured locations, Mac and Dennis’ apartment (Seasons 10-12 notwithstanding, yet still inclusive). In fact, over the span of sixteen seasons, we’ve seen only a few snippets of Dennis’ bathroom (in Aluminum Monster and Dee Gives Birth, though it’s mentioned a couple more times on top of that, i.e. in The Gang Gets Romantic), and there’s never been a single mention (let alone sighting) of another bathroom in their apartment. This omission has created a long-standing debate among fans of the show as to whether or not “Mac’s Bathroom” exists. 

The assumption that Mac has a bathroom hinges on two main ideas: 

  1. It’s unlikely a two-bed, one-bath apartment has its only bathroom as an ensuite (though not unheard of, especially in a WWI-era rent-stabilized building like the one Mac and Dennis live in), and there are multiple doors in the apartment that we’ve ‘never’ seen behind, which could contain a second bathroom; and 
  2. Mac exclusively refers to the bathroom in Dennis’ room as “your bathroom” or “Dennis’ bathroom." 

Addressing 1. the case of the apartment layout and the “mystery doors” in Mac and Dennis’ apartment...

The first door that could contain Mac's Bathroom is inside his bedroom

A picture of Mac's bedroom showing both doors, one on the right wall leading to the kitchen and one on the back wall which has never been opened

Most logically where his bathroom would be, however near impossible to actually be a bathroom due to the layout of their apartment. The other side of Mac’s interior wall is the living room, and the thickness of that wall would make room in that space for a shallow closet, at best: 

A picture of the Gang in Mac and Dennis' kitchen, showing the shallow depth of the wall between Mac's room and the living room
However, with some suspension of disbelief, it can be imagined that the room behind that door is large enough for a small ensuite (as Mac's bedroom logically must jut out deeper than the living room wall, this is only a slightly smaller stretch of the imagination). 

The second door that could contain Mac's Bathroom is the one opposite Mac’s bedroom door in the kitchen:

A picture of Mac and Dennis standing in the kitchen, showing both the front door to the left of the frame and the kitchen door to the right of the frame

This could be a bathroom, however in the second season this door is actually seen to be leading to the interior hallway of the apartment building: 

A picture of Dennis in his kitchen, you can see Dee is entering the apartment from behind the open kitchen door

Due to the set of Mac and Dennis' apartment being reworked in the third season and forward, the front door was reestablished to be the door in the living room we are currently familiar with. Though, since Mac and Dennis are fictional characters supposedly still living in the same apartment since 1998, is believing the kitchen door became Mac's Bathroom any different than accepting the layout of Mac and Dennis' bedroom doors changed? Some think not, but many prefer to believe that door is a blocked off exit to the hallway or just became a closet (once again thinking about the layout of the apartment, anything behind that door would intersect with the building's hallway).

Addressing 2. the case of Mac’s phrasing... 

This is damning evidence for some toward the existence of Mac’s Bathroom, following the idea that “Dennis’ Bathroom” is named as such because “Mac’s Bathroom” exists. The claim follows that it would be referred to as “the bathroom” or “our bathroom” if Mac was also using it. However, many see Mac's choice of language as nothing to do with the bathroom situation itself, but simply reenforcement of Mac and Dennis’ dynamic in apartment ownership. As established in Mac Fights Gay Marriage, the apartment is only in Dennis’ name, and Dennis believes that means he has a right to claim anything in it as solely his. The bathroom being inside Dennis’ room means it “belongs” to him whether or not it is also the bathroom Mac uses, the possessive language simply reenforces the idea that Dennis is in control and Mac is simply afforded the luxury of getting to live in his space (and he abides by that idea). 

There is another argument for/against Mac’s Bathroom that I've seen: the fact that in Mac and Dennis Move to the Suburbs the pair specify that they need an apartment with at least two bathrooms: 

Mac and Dennis on Dee's couch, claiming "We need two bathrooms, minimum"

As they’re looking for a place similar to their old apartment, this can be interpreted as what they used to have. However, it could also be just as true that they’re stating this as what they’re hoping to find in escaping living with Dee, as they’ve been dealing with sharing her ensuite between the three of them for well over a year at that point (with very little complaining, all things considered). 


So there are multiple cases for Mac’s Bathroom existing, yet they all have reasonable rebuttals attached to them. Just pulling from canon, it really is up to personal interpretation and/or individual preference whether or not Mac’s Bathroom exists (hence why the debate is so long-standing). 

Personally, I’ve always preferred to take the one-bathroom side of the argument for a very simple reason: it’s funnier. There’s a heap of comedic potential built into their dynamic as roommates when you consider the fact that Mac always needs access to Dennis’ bedroom in order to use the bathroom (and the fact that Dennis can easily block Mac’s access to the bathroom if he wants to). Taking into account how often they get pissed at each other, how often they like to fuck with each other, and the fact that Mac has a tendency to burst into Dennis’ room uninvited and/or unwelcome, it’s hard to argue that Dennis being able to (quite literally) gatekeep the toilet from Mac wouldn’t make sense as a perfect part of their insane dynamic. 

However, I’m nothing if not desperate to know what the creators/writers/actors of this very dynamic believe, so when Glenn Howerton returned to my city this weekend to promote his whiskey, Four Walls, I had to take it upon myself to finally get the question across to him (and maybe get an answer). 

Not to lead Glenn any specific way, I simply phrased the question: “How many bathrooms do Mac and Dennis have in their apartment?” 

As you can imagine, his answer made me incredibly happy to hear, but of course Glenn is just one (albeit, major) cog in the wheel that creates canon, so I won’t claim this is definitive proof Mac’s Bathroom does not exist, but it is a great addition to the debate..…though I wonder how Rob would respond? I'll have to ask him one day (if the answer isn’t addressed on Sunny before I’m able to get the question to him). 

And, all that being said, are there any Mac’s Bathroom truthers still out there? Did I miss anything majorly-damning in the case-for?

Let me know,
